Join the Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin for a virtual discussion about Wisconsin's clean energy transition and what this means for utility customers and consumers. Our panel of speakers will highlight the current state of energy in WI and they will talk about all the changes happening in the energy space, and the impacts on WI homeowners and renters. The speakers will also highlight actions/tips that residential consumers can use to help themselves during this transition. Heather from the CUB Board of Directors will host a moderated panel discussion with three Wisconsin-based nonprofit Directors from the Citizens Utility Board, Midwest Renewable Energy Association, and the Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum. This is a conversation you don't want to miss!
Heather Goetsch, Citizens Utility Board of Directors & Session Moderator
Corey Singletary, Director of Regulatory Affairs - Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
Nick Hylla Executive Director - Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Scott Coenen, Executive Director - Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum
Nick Hylla, Executive Director - Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Nick Hylla is the Executive Director of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association where he works in partnership with organizations throughout the Midwest to advance solar energy education and market development initiatives. Nick holds an MS degree in natural resource management, has 15 years of experience in non-profit leadership, and has served as the Principal Investigator on 6 US Dept. of Energy assistance agreements to support solar workforce development and help reduce the ‘soft costs’ of solar energy development Midwest states.
Nick's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-hylla/
Corey Singletary, Director of Regulatory Affairs - Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
From May 2010 through June 2017, Corey worked for the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin as an energy policy advisor and utility rate analyst. During his time with the Commission, his work focused on electric and natural gas utility rate design and cost-of-service, as well as a number of policy issues such as smart grid technology, innovative rate design, rate-based energy efficiency, conservation, and demand response programs, and distributed energy resources. In July of 2017 Corey joined the CUB team, and currently serves as our Director of Regulatory Affairs, and utility rates and policy analyst. Corey also moonlights as CUB’s jack-of-all trades IT guy, website developer etc...
Corey's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coreysingletary/
Scott Coenen, Executive Director - Wisconsin Conservation Energy Forum
As executive director Scott leads the effort to provide a voice for conservatives in the state’s energy policy debate, with a focus on advancing clean, reliable, affordable renewable energy and energy efficiency. A native of De Pere Wisconsin, Scott attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, majoring in International Business with a minor in Political Science.
Selected as one of the 2019 recipients of Midwest Energy News 40 Under 40 leaders in the clean energy economy, Scott is dedicated to educating and informing leaders on emerging clean technologies and the opportunities and challenges they present.
Scott's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcoenen/
Heather Goetsch, Associate Director - U.S. Green Building Council and CUB's Board of Directors
Heather's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heathergoetsch/
Thank you to our partners!
Wisconsin’s Affordable Clean Energy Transition
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Online from noon - 1pm CST
Wisconsin’s Affordable Clean Energy Transition
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Online from noon - 1pm CST
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Wisconsin’s Affordable Clean Energy Transition
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Online from noon - 1pm CST
Please place a hold on your calendar for May 18th from 12:00 pm - 1 pm, CST. We will send out a reminder and the event link closer to the day of the program. Any questions about this event please email: Staff@cubwi.org
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